Saturday, November 17, 2012

I'mmmm Backkk........

Well it's been nine months and here I am...back in Antarctica. This time I will be spending; if all goes as planned; one year at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. If you followed last years adventures, I came here and fell in love with it; Antarctica first, then The South Pole. Things are very different here...well that goes without saying, but I mean in comparison to McMurdo, where I spent six months last year. I am excited, but not nervous too the point of nausea like last year. I guess I am "an old hat", don't know where that came from but it seemed to fit. So, here I sit 530 am on a Sunday morning trying to recall nine months of memories....So I guess this will be a short welcome back post to anyone who may venture to read this. I think I will get a cup of coffee, and scroll through pictures in a feeble attempt to ready myself for some serious catching up. I will say that if you care to read on I spent about 5 months hiking on The Appalachian Trail. I guess that's where I should pick up next time....rewind like a confusing movie riddled with flashbacks. No I will just back up to March and then continue chronologically....

Till Next Time.............

(Once Again)......

Cooking on Ice!