It is odd to go to museums that deal with the Vietnam War. It has been said that the victor writes history...I guess that is true; but there are also two sides to every story. Obviously bad things; terrible; happened is war! I am having a hard time gathering my thoughts on the issue and the way I feel being here, and witnessing as well as hearing relentless American bashing. By the end, I was just angry and tired of hearing it. I am sad to say for as much as I enjoyed Vietnam; I was really ready to move on. I will not judge, or lump everyone as a whole; but I will just say enough was enough...............
It was true it happened, but a: I was not personally here; and b: it was over 30 years ago. I think it is good to remember history; to learn and grow from it; but lets also move on. I am sorry for what happened for both sides. Remember Vietnam....we came to help....and we lost a lot of soldiers to....boys. Enough said; here are some pictures so you can understand what I mean. I will add one note; that I never claimed to be anything but an American. I did not hide it; and I think sometimes people were shocked. It was for me often uncomfortable....but I did not waiver; and that gave me some pride in myself. So this is a short entry; but right now I honestly just want to put it behind put it simply "I'm just over it!"
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