A cool temple was in the center of the park.
I walked a small section of the city and although some things were very strange, many things had a comfortable familiarity.7 11s, Mercedes Benz, Volvo, various banks, and of course.....
I took a break for lunch in my room. I needed to cool off a bit, and wasn't quite ready to tackle the street food. Baby steps....
A whole new experience in Pad Thai....
there are super tiny shell on shrimp pan fried in it!
I walked a little more and then came back. I was stopped by a guy in the parking lot of my hotel asking me if I was going to see the fights tonight. I looked were he was pointing and saw the display of fighters. I didn't even realize that it was one of the 2 national stadiums here. It is run by the Army and proceeds help fund various needs they have. It is a great idea, maybe MMA can donate some of their millions to the military. Anyway, I can now check that off my bucket list....see a Muay Thai fight in Thailand....check!
There is a lot going on besides the actual fighting. Here is a short explanation of the pre-fight ceremony. Rather than a flashy entrance to loud music like our fighters do; the Thai fighters pre fight ritual is all about reverence and respect.
The meaning of the traditional pre fight muay thai dance ritual
Performing the whole wai kru ram muay is tougher than it looks.Most thai fighters make this traditional muay thai dance look easy with their fluent and graceful motions… I on the other hand sucked when I first tried the entire wai kru ram muay!
But if you’re serious about muay thai and want to compete in it one day or if you would just like to know more about the rich muay thai traditions like the wai kru or the ram muay, scroll down and start reading!
What Is The Wai Kru Ram Muay?
The traditional muay thai dance ritual is composed of 2 parts. The wai kru and the ram muay. It’s performed before the fight with traditional sarama or muay thai music.The Wai is a traditional greeting by the thai people where they put their hands together like a prayer. Kru means teacher. As a whole the wai kru is a way to pay respect to your coaches, gym, training partners and family. The wai kru is the portion of the muay thai dance where the fighter circles the ring 3 times before kneeling and bowing 3 times to show respect to God and man.

I know it looks like boxing, but these guys kick so fast, I couldn't even snap a picture.....
for real.....
And just like this poor guy, it's time for me to say goodnight......
until tomorrow......
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